African catfish

Clarias gariepinus


In the correct conditions, the African catfish can grow to 1.7 m long and weigh 60 kg. However, there have been specimen weighing more than 100 kg, and measuring more than 2 m in length.


The African catfish, like its European relative, is an absolute top fish of the upscale gastronomy. Its meat is mild in taste, with a relatively firm structure and naturally almost boneless.

Nutrition infos

Nutritionally, the catfish contains an above-average level of valuable Omega-3 and Omega-6 fatty acids. It is excellent for a health-conscious diet. It has a fat content of less than 5%.


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Natural habitat

The African catfish is a nocturnal predatory fish. It will prey on small birds and fish, molluscs, invertebrates or even fish spawn. In times of scarcity, the catfish can even survive on plants.


Catfish are solitary animals and they claim their own territories. In dry periods, they tolerate other catfish and can survive with other catfish in the tiniest areas in the small mud pools that remain from the dried-up rivers.


The African catfish is a nocturnal predatory fish. It will prey on small birds and fish, molluscs, invertebrates or even fish spawn. In times of scarcity, the catfish can even survive on plants.


African catfish are mature when they grow to a length of 40-45 cm (females) and 35-40 cm (males). When the rivers burst their banks during the wet season, the fish look for flooded areas to spawn in.


One peculiarity of the catfish is its ability to breathe oxygen from the air. This is how they survive in extreme conditions, when their water has almost completely dried up during the dry season.

Fishing method


The farming or aquaculture includes the controlled breeding of aquatic organisms. Aquaculture is gaining in importance, particularly as a result of increasing international demand.

Fishing area(s)


Fishing method
